When our kids arrived, we wanted to share our love of outdoors with them, so we just kept on hiking, giving us lots of real life experience hiking with our kids.
The first step will be in choosing a toddler-friendly hike. Knowing approximately how long you will be out helps you effectively plan for a successful family outing.
Whenever we went hiking with our toddler, we’d typically go early the morning so we could make it back home for their nap time.
If your toddler is newly walking, try for easier hiking trails without a lot of rocks and tree roots to trip over. However, if your child is older, find a trail with lots of fun rocks and logs to climb on.
It’s best to go with no expectations, other than to have a fun family outing. You might not make it to your destination, or you might need to turn back earlier than you had hoped.
Do what you can to keep your hike fun and positive. Praise your toddler for what a great hiker they are. This will help them be excited about the next hike.
Something magical happens when toddlers start hiking with their friends. You’ll be amazed at how much quicker your kids will hike if they have friends to run along with.