The Best Toddler Travel Snacks: That are Easy to Pack!

Author: Celine Brewer

Last Updated:

As parents we know that having snacks with us at all times is a must! When traveling with toddlers or flying with toddlers, the last thing we need is toddlers who are unhappy and hungry!

We’ve included all the best travel snacks for toddlers that worked well for our family. We’ve also shared some of our favorite road trip snacks for toddlers, toddler airplane snacks and general toddler travel food.

The best advice we can give is to keep the food familiar, keep it healthy-ish and try to keep it low in sugar (though there’s nothing wrong with a little treat!).

If your baby is starting to enjoy solid foods, read our post on managing baby food while traveling to get all our tips on packing baby food for travel. Some of these toddler travel snacks will work for babies who are experienced with solid food or for families who are doing baby-led weaning.

toddler eating airplane snacks for toddlers
Our toddler with snacks on the airplane

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Best Toddler Snacks for Traveling

Here is a quick list of the best travel snacks for toddlers, which would also include the types of foods we would buy for snacks once we arrive at our destination. While we believe these all make excellent toddler travel snacks, we urge you to substitute options that your toddler loves.

For example, our toddler loved cucumber. If your toddler loves grape tomatoes, substitute those in!

toddler walking with container of toddler travel food
Our toddler eating travel snacks on-the-go.

Also, while some people may say to stay away from fresh fruit for toddler plane snacks, we think it makes the perfect easy healthy toddler snacks. It just takes a little more thought and preparation.

toddler eating grapes on airplane (toddler plane snacks)
Our 18-month old eating airplane snakcs.

What about nuts on as airplane snacks for toddlers? While nuts are technically allowed on airplanes, the airlines no longer hand them out. If someone is severely allergic to nuts, the cabin crew may request that no nuts be eaten on the plane. We recommend keeping nuts as travel snacks for toddlers as a backup (rather than the main component) or not for the airplane at all.

Along the same lines, is that snacks for sightseeing can differ than snacks for toddlers on airplanes. As such we recommend packing a few different toddler snack containers for travel. Our favorite toddler snack cup is the Munchkin Snack Catcher, but we also packed other containers that were more useful for packing different kinds of toddler travel food.

We’d also throw in a plastic plate, cup, fork and spoon to make meal times easier (or one of these silicone place mats).

mother and toddler on airplane
A snack cup with cheerios make an excellent toddler airplane snack.

Finally, think about whether you want to bring extra in your checked luggage to have while on your trip. You never know when you might need a stash of familiar toddler travel snacks!

  • freeze dried fruit snacks
  • yogurt snacks
  • fresh fruit or berries (cut grapes/blueberries/raspberries or strawberries)
  • tortilla rolls (cream cheese or peanut butter)
  • cheese
  • toddler mum mums
  • puffs
  • baby food pouches or apple sauce
  • avocado
  • bread
  • Cheerios
  • Gold Fish Crackers
  • mini muffins (these were our favorite carrot zucchini mini muffins)
  • granola bars
  • sliced cucumbers
  • red peppers
  • raisins
  • crackers or pretzels
  • rice cakes
  • pb sandwiches (banana or jam) cut small
  • ham and cream cheese rolls
  • ham and cheese sandwiches
  • yogurt or yogurt tubes
  • banana oat bars (the Quick and Easy Fruity Bars on this page)
  • cold pasta
  • cereal bars
  • dried fruit bars
  • trail mix or peanuts/raisin mix
  • cooked vegetables
best toddler snack muffins
The veggie mini muffins I made for travel with toddlers.

As a final note, these are items that we find are pretty easy to get anywhere we travel. While they might not always be exactly the same as at home, local grocery stores in most countries will have a version of these items.

mother and baby at restaurant

Best Toddler Airplane Snacks

Probably the easiest snacks for toddlers on planes is ready-to-eat snacks. While you may not love them for at home, they do make traveling so much easier.

All of the items on our list are mostly mess-free. Obviously, some toddlers will find a way to make a mess out of any snack. If you have one of those toddlers (we do!) then just adjust your best toddler plane snacks to avoid the messiest of the foods!

toddler on plane with ipad and planes snacks for toddlers on the tray table
Toddler eating snacks on the airplane.

An example of toddler friendly snacks that I might pack for a trip are: mini muffins that contain a bunch of vegetables (I made these all the time and the whole family gobbled them up), a container of fresh fruit like cut grapes or blueberries, a toddler snack container with cheerios and a few granola bars stuffed in my bag. I might add in a few fruit pouches too depending on how long the flight was.

toddler eating food pouch - travel food for toddlers
Purees also make quick toddler snacks when traveling.

Snacks for toddler on airplanes should be easy to pack and remain relatively mess free. Sandwiches can work if you know you’ll be on the plane over lunch and don’t want to depend on airplane food (which my toddler would always turn his nose up at – except for the bread).

From the toddler travel food list above, here are our favorite toddler airplane snacks:

  • freeze dried fruit snacks
  • yogurt snacks
  • fresh fruit or berries (cut grapes/blueberries/raspberries or strawberries)
  • cheese (depending on how long it will be out for)
  • toddler mum mums
  • puffs
  • cheese
  • baby food pouches or apple sauce
  • Cheerios
  • mini muffins (these were our favorite carrot zucchini mini muffins)
  • granola bars
  • raisins
  • crackers or pretzels
  • rice cakes
  • dried fruit bars
  • trail mix or peanuts/raisin mix
  • sandwich (usually peanut butter and only if we’ll eat a meal on the plane)
toddler on plane playing with puffs plane snacks for toddlers
Puffs are excellent airplane snacks for toddlers.

If we are being perfectly honest, toddler plane snacks like blueberries and cheerios are our favorite. We would also include other items like cut grapes or puffs in this list. The reason they make such great snacks for toddlers on airplanes is because with the right toddler snack cup, they will take a while to eat. Making snack time an activity and eating up (pun intended) some of that time wondering how to entertain your toddler on the flight!

Best Road Trip Snacks for Toddlers

When planning your toddler road trip snacks, you have more options. It’s easier to pack a small cooler and fill it with items like yogurt and cheese. When on a road trip with a toddler, you also have the option of pulling over and having a snack outside of the car.

toddlers eating a sandwich and other toddler road trip snacks
Our toddlers having a snack while visiting ruins in Mexico.

We don’t recommend feeding your toddler road trip snacks if you can’t fully see your toddler. If you are going to feed your toddler in the car, it’s best to give your toddler foods that dissolve and be able to trust that your toddler won’t be putting too much in their mouth.

Otherwise, it’s worth the effort for one parent to spend a little time in the back to keep an eye on little kids eating on road trips.

For road trip snacks, we like to prepare a bento box style lunch (these are great containers for this). For toddler road trip snacks, packing items like cubed cheese, carrot sticks, apple slices and even some small cut up pieces of meat work well. We might also put in a pbj sandwich or a tortilla wrap. We also like to pack mini muffins for road trip snacks for toddlers.

toddlers eating granola bars - road trip snacks for toddlers
Our toddlers having a snack in Norway.

None of these items will make a huge mess, if your toddler can hold the snack container on their lap or on a travel tray. Food pouches are also an easy way to give your toddler a snack in the car.

From the toddler travel food list above, here’s the list of our favorite road trip snacks for toddlers:

  • freeze dried fruit snacks
  • yogurt snacks
  • fresh fruit or berries (cut grapes/blueberries/raspberries or strawberries)
  • tortilla rolls (cream cheese or peanut butter)
  • cheese
  • toddler mum mums
  • puffs
  • baby food pouches or apple sauce
  • bread
  • Cheerios
  • Gold Fish Crackers
  • mini muffins (these were our favorite carrot zucchini mini muffins)
  • granola bars
  • sliced cucumbers
  • red peppers
  • raisins
  • crackers or pretzels
  • rice cakes
  • pb sandwiches (banana or jam) cut small
  • ham and cheese sandwiches
  • yogurt or yogurt tubes
  • banana oat bars (the Quick and Easy Fruity Bars on this page)
  • cereal bars
  • dried fruit bars
  • trail mix or peanuts/raisin mix

Toddler Travel Food

If you’ve ever been concerned about a picky eater when traveling, just know that you can keep your toddler travel food fairly simple. While eating at restaurants, order something familiar to your toddler (like pizza or pasta). You can always share some of your own food if your toddler shows an interest.

As a family who’s traveled to many places with toddlers, we can say that it can get challenging when you have a toddler who won’t eat anything. We had one of those toddlers.

When traveling with a toddler who doesn’t want to try new foods, stick to simple and familiar foods. Our absolute go-to for this was omelettes or scrambled eggs. Both are pretty easy to find and/or cook in your rental apartment.

toddlers eating at table with travel food containers
Easy plates and sippy cups to pack for our toddlers while in Italy.

Some easy dinner ideas for travel food for toddlers that we use often are:

  • Scrambled eggs with steamed vegetables on the side
  • Pasta with sausage and vegetables
  • Cheese quesadillas with avocado on the side

For lunches, sandwiches were always the easiest go to if we didn’t plan on eating out. We don’t have any allergies to contend with, so peanut butter with either jam or banana was an easy choice.

If we were traveling to a country where peanut better wasn’t as easily accessible, we’d make ham and cheese sandwiches. Sometimes using a soft cheese like Laughing Cow or cream cheese was the best option to pair with ham.

14 Tips for Packing Plane Snacks for Toddlers

Here are few more tips to packing toddler travel snacks for airplanes:

1. Look into TSA Rules

From the TSA website, you can bring formula, breastmilk and juice in reasonable quantities (that’s more than the 3.4 ounce allowance) in your carry-on luggage. You will need to remove them and have them screened separately.

This goes for food pouches too. While allowed in reasonable quantities, expect that you will need to remove them to have them screened separately.

2. Pack Wipes

Pack plenty of wipes in a durable travel wipes container. From wiping down the tray tables to cleaning up after your toddler, you’ll be glad you packed plenty of wipes.

3. Take Extra Precautions with Fresh Fruit or Vegetables

It’s rare you can bring fresh fruit and vegetables into another country and should avoid it all together. If you pack fresh fruit, plan to eat it all or throw it out on the plane so you don’t deal with customs.

toddler eating banana

4. Keep Original Containers

Leave food in the original containers where possible. This makes it easier when going through security or customs.

pile of what to pack for toddler travel food and toddler travel snacks
The snacks, snack cups and toddler dishes we packed.

5. Keep Food Organized and Together

Pack all your food together, so it’s easy to access, well organized and easy to pull out at security. I like to pack all the snacks in a large ziplock bag. This also helps to keep them from getting lost in my bag or squished at the bottom.

6. Minimize the Sugar Intake

Look for low sugar toddler snacks, especially for snacks for toddlers on airplanes. The last thing you need on a plane is a toddler who has had too much sugar! Especially if you were hoping to get your toddler to sleep on the plane.

7. Leave Extra Messy Snack Ideas Behind

Avoid those extra messy snacks! Yogurt tubes can get messy with toddlers, as can food pouches if they squeeze them when they aren’t in their mouth. Extra crumbly foods and cereal bars can leave a mess all over the seat as well. Bananas, though great toddler snacks, aren’t a favorite for plane because no matter how careful I am, they still end up getting smushed.

8. Choose Easy to Pack Toddler Snacks

Easy to pack snacks like dried fruit and cheerios will make packing that much easier. While we always liked having mini muffins, some times we just didn’t have the time to do that extra baking.

9. Spill Proof Containers are a Must

Spill proof containers not only keep food from leaking in your bag, they also allow you to give your toddler some independence (without having to be constantly picking up toddler snacks of the floor).

baby eating Puffs baby travel snack
Our 9-month old having snacks at a Yankees game in NYC.

10. Ready-to-Eat Snacks Are Worth It

While you may prefer to give only fresh fruit and vegetables at home, prepared foods are easy to bring on the plane. Toddlers will enjoy them and you can see it as an activity to occupy your toddler, especially for snacks that take a while to eat like puffs or yogurt snacks.

11. Bring a Mix of Travel Snacks

Bring a mix of snacks. You can offer your toddler the option of a bag of grapes or cheerios in a spill proof cup. Toddlers love to graze on food, so having a mix of snacks will help get you through the whole flight.

12. Pack Some Familiar Travel Snacks

While as adults we love to try to new foods and visit new places, toddlers like things to be familiar. That’s why we always recommend keeping bedtimes familiar to help get babies and toddlers to sleep on vacation.

The same goes for food. While you’ll likely be able to get your toddler to try some new foods on your trip, you should also have some familiar snacks and travel food.

toddlers eating apples
Toddlers having a snack while traveling in Norway.

13. Pack Extra Snacks for Toddlers

You never know when you’ll encounter flight delays. Always pack more snacks then you think you’ll need.

14. Let Your Toddler Carry Some Snacks

Toddlers love to be independent. You can always a pack a couple of easy snacks, like a granola bar or cheerios in a snack container, in your toddlers travel backpack.

Don’t miss our toddler carry on packing list (with printable)!

Toddler Travel Snacks and Containers

Toddler Travel Snacks

Here are some ready-made, simple and easy toddler snacks for airplanes and road trips:

Toddler Snack Containers

Here are some snack containers and spill proof snack cups that work well for travel with toddlers.

Other Toddler Travel Resources

Best Toddler Travel Snacks

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Celine Brewer is the owner of Baby Can Travel. Not only does she have years of experience traveling with babies & toddlers, but she's helped millions of new parents travel with their babies and toddlers for over a decade. In addition to writing on her baby travel blog, she has shared her expertise on traveling with a baby or toddler by contributing to articles about traveling with a baby with the Washington Post, USA Today, the Lonely Planet magazine and Pregnancy & Newborn magazine.

Celine also writes about family travel on the site, which she co-owns with her husband. Being from the Canadian Rockies, she shares her passion about her home and travel to Banff National Park and area on their site

Read more about Celine Brewer.

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